AWARDS2020 Submissions

TransGrid – Digital Substation

1. Executive Summary TransGrid has achieved benefit for its stakeholders including consumers, shareholders and regulators by implementing Digital Substations based on the international standard for communication protocols, IEC 61850. TransGrid manages a high voltage power transmission network consisting of 109 existing substations and over 13000 km of transmission lines. The bulk of the substations were constructed in the 1970’s and 1980’s generally utilising technology that was appropriate at that time but the technology is reaching the end of its reliable life and requiring replacement to maintain a safe and reliable transmission network. Digital Substations will be implemented on future new and replacement capital projects. 2. Description of Project 2.1 TransGrid’s Journey in Digital Substations “The Digital Substation project has created significant benefits to all its stakeholders. It has enabled the delivery of lower cost refurbishment projects with greater safety and reliability.“ TransGrid manages a high voltage electricity network with over 13000 km of transmission lines and 109 substations. The substations commenced commissioning in the 1950’s and due to reliability and obsolescence risks are becoming due to for replacement. Additional to this the transition to renewal energy sources has accelerated the need to develop new substations to connect these generators. Based on the corporate plan TransGrid’s asset management strategies includes strategic themes to: In order to deliver to these themes, TransGrid developed a Digital Substation strategy to implement a new technology. The strategy involved not only technological change but also culture and operational practice changes. The strategy was endorsed by senior management and the project started with market research then moved to a study of options, evaluation of options, selection of vendors, and proof of concepts, before moving on to the first implementation of the new technology at Avon Substation. Figure 1 provides an overview of the digital substations strategy. With the successful implementation of the base architecture at Avon, TransGrid is now moving towards implementation of sensors (Low Power Instrument Transformers or LPTI) and virtualisation. Figure 1 – TransGrid’s Journey in Digital Substations TransGrid have been able to implement numerous new technologies into the substation that not only improves safety and reduces cost but also allows quicker delivery of Substation projects. The Avon Substation secondary systems project involved replacing all of the cabling and secondary equipment including the Protection, Control, Metering and Condition Monitoring systems with Process Bus systems that dramatically reduces drawings, panels, wiring, cabling and overall reduces the project costs by up to 30%. TransGrid carried out an extensive assessment of substation secondary system design based on the implementation of IEC61850 at the substation and process bus level which brought out the business case for full digitisation. This was not just a case of should we do it, with 30% project cost savings the implementation is a must in order to maximise benefits to TransGrid and its stakeholders. Figure 2 shows where this architecture fits in a substation system. Figure 2 – Scope of Digital Substation Architecture The first substation to realise this new technology was Avon 330kV switching station. In this Digital Substation, new standards were implemented including IEC61850-9-2LE, IEC61850-8-1 IEC62439-3 (PRP) and time synchronization based on IEEE1588 standards. It must be emphasised that the evolution and adoption of IEC61850 is intended to encapsulate all aspects of secondary design and should be viewed holistically as a system and not as individual standalone components. This allowed a complete re-think on what a substation secondary system is and how to implement it. As a result of this approach we were able to implement many improvements over existing secondary systems while reducing overall costs. 2.2 Benefits of Solution Reduction in copper cabling/trenching: This is a major benefit for secondary systems for green field substations and also for refurbishments where secondary cabling needs to be altered due to aging or design changes. Reduction in building size: Process bus Intelligent Electronic Devices (IED) are typically half the size compared to traditional IEDs and no wiring or links are required. This along with a unique panel design allows more IEDs accommodated in a panel and therefore drastically reduced (80%) panel space required within a substation. Faster commissioning of substations: Due to the smaller size of panels and limited cabling involved between panels, almost the entire secondary system for a substation can be built and thoroughly tested in a laboratory. Not only does this allow greater control over quality of testing but it can be done at a fraction of the cost of testing done at remote sites. It is much easier to engage vendors or specialists to address specific issues when the tests are done in a lab rather than a remote site. Once the system leaves the laboratory with thorough functional and interface checks done, the site work is reduced to perform minimal commissioning checks. This drastically reduces labour costs and time associated with commissioning – about 50% savings. This is a significant advantage in countries where labour cost is very high. Standardisation – Reduction in System drawings: Standardisation was heavily used at the bay level to make merging unit configuration similar and to allow changes to the copper interface without changing the underlying digital messages. Hence the bay information is always the same even though the primary equipment may vary. In this way the interface between data digitisation and data usage is standardised. This also significantly reduced the number of drawings – approx. 90% – required to implement the design. This approach opens up the possibility of standard indoor and outdoor cubicles that can be ordered irrespective of the project, therefore simplifying sourcing requirements. Simplified maintenance: With better defined test and simulation modes in IEC61850, maintenance and commissioning tests can be done more efficiently. Also, visualisation, test and diagnostic tools are evolving that can greatly help the maintenance regime. Remote diagnostics are possible which will reduce visits to site. The cumulative savings in this first Digital Substation project is around 30%, so far exceeding the initial expectation in the business case. These savings are expected to be improved on as the maturity of

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TransGrid- Asset Monitoring Information Plan

1. Executive Summary TransGrid manages a high voltage electricity network with over 13000 km of transmission lines, 109 substations, the associated monitoring equipment contains around 40000 SCADA and 10000 on-line condition monitoring points. This is augmented by work management, load data, geospatial and meteorological data contained within corporate and external information systems. Rapid access to network information is essential to providing effective and timely response to events, particularly in emergencies such as the recent bushfires. Existing systems required personnel to access multiple and disparate information systems. To remedy this TransGrid has developed a bespoke ‘Asset Monitoring Information Platform’ that allows monitoring and managing asset information from multiple systems into different viewports (or contexts) in a purpose built Asset Monitoring Centre. This solution is providing better response and reduced outage time lowering cost and improving reliability. 2. Description of Project 2.1 TransGrid’s Information Objectives TransGrid Asset Management Policy and associated Network Asset Strategy establish commitment to providing a safe and reliable network at the lowest cost to the consumer. Transmission services are a small component of the average electricity bill, but we recognise that the way we manage our business still has a direct impact on customers every day. “Delivering value to the community by sustaining a safe and reliable network and developing this to efficiently meet the future energy needs of our customers.”Paul Italiano CEO Critical to achieving this goal is the ability to make informed decisions when operating the network. This requires visibility and accessibility to accurate and timely asset information. This is particularly important during emergency events such as the recent bushfire emergencies. The information available to the network operators must: This is aligned with TransGrid’s Asset Management Information Strategy objective to ensure that information meet six dimensions of data governance as shown in Figure 1. This assurance is in alignment with ITIL V3 and ISO27001. Figure 1 – TransGrid’s data governance dimensions 2.2 The Asset Monitoring Information Platform TransGrid manages over 13,000 km of transmission lines and 109 substations. The associated monitoring equipment (Operational Technology) contains around 40,000 SCADA and 10,000 on-line condition monitoring points. This is augmented by information contained within Enterprise Information Technology and external systems such as load data, fire information and weather data. To improve TransGrid’s ability to operate the network an Asset Monitoring Centre (AMC) has been established beside the main operations room. The scope of the AMCs oversight and types of information reviewed is shown in Figure 2. This provides continuous monitoring of the health of network assets to efficiently respond to any events, including emergencies that occur while allowing operators to respond to direct network operational requirements. Figure 2 – Asset Monitoring Centre Responsibility Converge information from OT and ERP systems? Reactions:– Are you joking?– Impossible!– Will never happen.– Do it somewhere else.– Why? Hindering the capability of the AMC to perform its responsibilities was difficulty in accessing multiple and disparate sources of information (every asset is supplied with its own interface and management software). This identified an opportunity to improve efficiency by developing an information platform that provides the ability to collect, aggregate, monitor and analyse asset data from multiple systems and different viewpoints (or contexts) in a single location, an ‘Asset Monitoring Information Platform’ (AMIP). The AMIP was based around four fundamental requirements: A challenge was identified that this required the integration of data from numerous systems that use different asset structures, different data structures, different naming conventions and identifiers. This was made particularly difficult due the separation of Operational Technology (OT) and Enterprise Resource Planning systems (ERP) and resulting internal resistance by process and system owners. The complication keeping OT and ERP systems data apart existed due to information security and licence requirements that needed physical separation of OT and corporate information systems. Development of a specialised solution was required to address this challenge and deliver the functional requirements. The solution also needed to accommodate the practical difficulties of being moved to a different location or being used for a different purpose over its lifecycle. The answer to this challenge was to observe that the assets themselves are central to their management and that everything either happens to an asset (an Event) or something is recorded about an asset (a Measurement). A set of translators were developed that connected the corporate information from a number of sources and ingest the information into a ‘common model’. This was performed while respecting strict information security requirements. In the future as TransGrid improves its data standards across systems it is planned to reduce the need for this complex data translation. The adoption of an innovative common model allows the integration of information from disparate sources and creates a common understanding. The adoption of a standards based model leverages off industry best practice, allows for future expansion and translation between existing standard models and takes advantage of supported interfaces supplied by technology vendors. The inputs that feed into the AMIP are shown in Figure 3. Figure 3 – Information inputs to the AMIP The AMIP has allowed the joint display of secure OT information, external data and general corporate information in a single display. A key data source for AMIP is the operational systems that control the electrical network. This data is highly sensitive/high volume time series data and will be accommodated via a specific data model that mirrors the control system SCADA structures. This data was integrated via PI Asset Framework that links operational data to the asset register using the data model and translation provided by TransGrid considering the challenges in Table 1. This means that the AMIP data store includes a specific and separate data store for operational events and measures that supports a highly secured model for sensitive high voltage load data. The AMIP solution is based on OSISoft PI technology such as PI Data Archive and Vision and incorporates a geographic view provided by ESRI/ArcGIS as illustrated in Figure 4. The visualisations and user interface are presented via standard browser-based interfaces. Features of this interface include the following: Table

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Sydney Trains – Electronic Rail Lubricator Project

1. Summary of the project, product, framework Sydney Trains developed a business case for upgrading all existing mechanical rail lubricators with highly efficient modern electronic rail lubricators. The project replaces the existing network of 428 mechanic lubricators with 119 new electronic units, improve lifecycle cost, asset performance, safety and environmental benefits. The new electronic lubricator units employ remote health monitoring capability which will enable a condition based maintenance regime (previously fixed time scheduled) and enable fundamental changes to rail lubricator maintenance practices to improve staff and rail corridor safety. 2. Description of project or framework addressing the assessment criteria Rail lubrication is a standard practice world-wide to manage the friction contact between a train wheel flange and steel rail. Lubrication is provided on curved tracks where there is the highest friction and lateral forces. Effective lubrication is required to manage and minimise the wear and tear of the rail steel and train wheels. Sufficient lubrication is also required for the management of environmental factors such as rail squeal noise. The Sydney metropolitan heavy rail network has traditionally utilised wayside mechanical rail lubricators (Figure 1). The system utilises a track side reservoir and is connected to a mechanical applicator on the rail. A pumping action is triggered for every wheel that transverses through the applicator. The lack of control on lubricant application typically leads to inefficient rail lubrication and over supply of grease around the lubricator site (negative environmental impact). In in 2014 and 2015, Sydney Trains carried out a proof of concept (best practice) trial involving a hi-technology wayside lubrication system, to support of the development of the first rail lubrication standard. The trial found that adoption of a high-technology electronic lubricator (Figure 2) would bring significant lifecycle benefits (improved and reliable rail lubrication) and environmental and safety benefits. In 2016, a business case was approved for the network-wide replacement of the existing mechanical lubricators. The network-wide replacement would reduce the total number of lubricators by 74%, whilst improving overall rail lubrication performance to 100% compliance with the new rail lubrication standard. The selected product and rail lubricant combination has been type approved with electronic controls (Figure 3) and a remote performance monitoring system (Figure 4). The units are powered by solar energy and have a higher storage capacity (360kg compared to 30kg) compared with previous mechanical units. 2.1 Use of Best Practice Asset Management Principles The Electronic lubricator project and business case was driven and designed in full alignment with Sydney Trains’ Asset Management Objectives (refer Figure 5). Sydney Trains rail management strategy (in the Sydney Trains Asset Management Plan) was the driving force behind the improvement of network rail lubrication. This project is aligned to key business objectives including: 2.2 Degree of originality and ingenuity of solution As a part of this project, Sydney Trains identified an opportunity to change and optimise the existing maintenance model for rail lubricator assets. Sydney Trains thoroughly investigated in-house and outsourced maintenance models including the in-house dedicated lubricator maintenance team to improve efficiency and reduce cost of lubricator maintenance. A contract combining design, construct and through life support/maintenance was established, representing a novel approach for lower value assets whilst maintaining concept and synergy. The bundling of a performance based maintenance contract intrinsically provided motivation for the supplier to issue the most optimised lifecycle cost proposal, balancing CAPEX investment and ongoing OPEX maintenance costs. 2.3 Program and project management This project implementation spans 18 months with carefully informed milestones designed to minimise the operational maintenance risks (old and new systems in place concurrently). The scope of the project considers the design, construction and change management implementation aspects of the new electronic lubrication system. The project management team has considered: 2.4 Benefit/Value of the project or service to the community or organisation In line with best practice, the project will provide optimised rail lubrication to the Sydney Trains network. The optimised lubrication design will be fully compliant with the new Standard and reduce the asset requirements from 428 to 119 electronic units. The project improves rail lubrication performance through decreasing rail and wheel assets (application of lubricator mitigating excessive wear and tear), reducing the re-filling requirements (increased storage capacity), increasing the longevity of the assets, improving safety (less staff required in the rail corridor) and reducing maintenance costs (reduced intervention required) across the Sydney Trains network. The onboard system enables monitoring and trending of parameters including lubricant level and battery performance. Trending will enable condition based maintenance such as re-fueling and predictive battery replacement. Safety benefits All lubrication units are mandated to be installed outside of the ‘danger zone’ (area within the rail corridor in close proximity to train operation). The positioning of the lubricator units enables safer maintenance activities by mitigating staff exposure to the ‘danger zone’ and reducing potential service disruption to customers. The remote controlling ability further supports the Sydney Trains’ ‘danger zone’ reduction goals as the lubricator can be remotely switched on or off. Switching on and off lubricators is a common requirement to support trackwork activities (such as ultrasonic testing for internal rail flaws). Traditionally, this activity would require staff to enter the rail corridor and physically switch on and off the lubricators. The reduction in staff in the ‘danger zone’ and in the general rail corridor, along with condition monitoring capability, will improve the availability of the network by reducing the need for both planned and unplanned maintenance. This will support the continuing requirement of improving on time running and customer satisfaction. The elimination of over application of lubricant, will also improve wheel rail adhesion reducing safety risks (e.g. SPADs (Signals Passed at Danger)). Environmental benefits The electronic controls can precisely control the volume of lubricant and frequency application by fine adjustments to pump time duration and frequency of application based on wheels passed. The fine control will enable the optimal level of product to the applied, minimising ‘over greasing’ (where an excessive level of grease contaminates the track structure). This is a common issue with the

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Urban Utilities, SMEC and Jacobs – Enhanced Condition Assessment Program (ECAP)

1. Summary of the project, product, framework Urban Utilities is South East Queensland’s largest water retail-distributor servicing more than 1.4 million residents across five local government areas, covering 14,384 km2 (Figure 1). Urban Utilities implemented a unique and progressive model for the condition assessment of their assets – the Enhanced Condition Assessment Program (ECAP).  ECAP was initiated to undertake the condition assessment of critical assets, build asset data and advance asset management systems through a multiple-year partnership with two consultants (SMEC and Jacobs). An extended term and broad scope covering all asset classes is being used to drive long-term business outcomes through strong global networks and industry partnerships. 2 Description of project or framework addressing the assessment criteria Started in 2015, the primary objective of the Enhanced Condition Assessment Program (ECAP) is to assist Urban Utilities to make better informed investment decisions through timely data driven analytics to maintain asset reliability. What is unique about ECAP is that it encompasses the whole of the asset base and, because it is a program, it captures year on year learnings and improvements. The extended contact term (3+1+1 year) with SMEC and Jacobs is driving long-term business improvements through collaboration and strong partnerships. ECAP has demonstrated this approach can work effectively to improve asset data and progress asset management systems. SMEC, Jacobs and Urban Utilities have collaborated to apply innovative approaches to field work, condition rating methodologies, information technology and data management (ICT solutions) to reduce condition assessment costs and maximise return on investment in relation to condition assessment activities. We did this by facilitating improved decision making around future field work, asset renewals planning and applying a risk-based asset management approach based on enhanced data capture aligned to Urban Utilities service needs. The Program Management Approach ECAP is managed through a Program Management Team (PMT) with representatives from Urban Utilities, SMEC and Jacobs. The PMT meets monthly to discuss program issues, governance, collaboration share and safety share.  An over-arching Program Governance Board (PGB) meets quarterly, consisting of executives from the three organisations to provide strategic direction to the PMT and ensure Urban Utilities strategic objectives are being met.  We reflect on the level of diversity in our ECAP team and it being a true reflection of Urban Utilities’ customers, helping us to understand and better meet customers’ needs.  A key program management activity within ECAP is the collaborative development of an ‘Annual Forward Schedule’ (AFS) for the condition assessment activities to be undertaken in the following year.  A number of smarts have been developed to ensure the candidate activities selected for inclusion in the AFS offer value for money and reduced lifecycle cost to Urban Utilities.  We have developed risk models to ensure we pick the right assets that have the most potential to target and reduce Urban Utilities’ risk profile. We also aim for efficient investigation programs where, for example, investigations on particular pipe material cohorts can be bundled together to maximise buying power with the market and generate efficiencies in the mobilisation and deployment of condition assessment technology types.  The ECAP team project managed and produced approximately 50 Asset/Equipment Lifecycle Plans, drawing upon their knowledge of Urban Utilities’ assets.  These plans provide a blueprint for the successful whole-of-life asset/equipment strategy, integrating all the requirements in each life-cycle phase and ensures assets are inspected no less frequently than prescribed values. Through our activities we are aligning to Urban Utilities’ overall asset management strategy and service requirements.  Other key program approaches include: Innovative Approaches Together, we have successfully implemented high resolution Remote Operated Vehicles (ROV), 360-degree cameras and remote CCTV technology to avoid numerous confined space entries and reservoir shut downs, saving thousands of dollars at each site and improving safety outcomes.  In addition, working closely with Urban Utilities and its construction and maintenance delivery partners has helped us to identify windows for rare opportunistic condition assessments which may reveal an asset in a “once in twenty” years state (e.g. during trunk main cut-ins or during dewatering of structures).  The opportunistic inspections have been highly successful to ECAP and present excellent value for money as the costs of access are saved as they are funded by the other activities.  We have developed standardised and repeatable methodologies for condition assessment, condition rating and criticality.  These guide the implementation of proven techniques and test methods in a consistent manner to create accurate data sets, which are used in improvements to both the short and long-term maintenance planning and asset renewals plus feeding machine learning algorithms. The ECAP Condition Assessment Manual is presently being adopted across the wider Urban Utilities business to promote consistency across all condition assessment activities. It is aligned with the IPWEA’s PN7 and IIMM.  To date, we have also jointly developed reservoir shutdown plans, rehabilitation submission templates and asset condition profiling methodologies to streamline processes and drive efficiencies. Benefit to Customers and Community The ECAP program has created a number of benefits for Urban Utilities, its customers and the community. As well as improving value, increasing cost savings and safety, these include: 3 Opinion as to specific contribution made by the nominated individual/team/organisation Urban Utilities is the ECAP program owner and has provided the vision and overarching management to this unique program over the last five years.  The two ECAP consultants, SMEC and Jacobs, are working on a scope basis of ‘50/50’ split of the program, with equal sharing of workload to ensure completion of the annual forward schedule endorsed by Urban Utilities.  Together to date we have completed a scope of: The combined experience of this team was also recognised by the Water Services Association of Australian (WSAA) through our appointment to develop the WSAA Condition Assessment Guidelines for Mechanical and Electrical assets for to benefit the wider industry.  In Year 5, SMEC and Jacobs together with Urban Utilities are completing a data improvement exercise designed to add significant detail to the Ellipse and GIS datasets stemming from the improvements already made during the ECAP program to ensure readiness for the Ellipse

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Monadelphous – Diversity and Inclusion at Monadelphous

Summary of Monadelphous Asset Management Team Delivery of long term service contracts is the foundation of the delivery model provided by the Monadelphous Team. Working collaboratively with our customers to ensure optimal plant productivity, integrating with their systems to develop and execute maintenance work. Services include scoping, planning and execution of maintenance activities such as inspections, preventative, corrective maintenance and emergent work. Our proven maintenance approach is based on high quality predictive reliability analysis to enable good decision making. Our approach includes: Demonstration of Organisation Leadership Demonstration of organisational leadership in creating and maintaining your asset management team Across its operations, Monadelphous is committed to attracting a workforce where people of all backgrounds work together. The Company provides a working environment where the unique contribution of its people is equally valued and recognised, and where each employee is inspired to contribute their best in their delivery of the Monadelphous vision. Diversity in the workforce brings a broader range of perspectives and ideas, creating value for customers and shareholders. GENDER DIVERSITY Monadelphous presented its 2018/19 Workplace Gender Equality Report, which can be found on the Workplace Gender Equality Agency and Monadelphous websites. In late 2018, the Company formally launched its Gender Diversity and Inclusion Plan 2018-2020, setting out how it will enhance the rate of female participation at Monadelphous. Key initiatives have been identified in the areas of attraction, education and retention to enable strategic, sustainable and meaningful change. Examples include promotion of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) as a career path and education to challenge existing stereotypes that exist within the industries in which the Company operates. The Plan also details the Company’s ongoing commitment to targets of no greater than 10 per cent attrition of key female talent per annum and an intake of at least 20 per cent female engineers into the Company’s Graduate Development Program. INDIGENOUS ENGAGEMENT Monadelphous recognises and respects the traditional owners of the land upon which it operates and considers traditional culture and heritage an important part of its business. Despite the significant and ongoing strategic growth and diversification of the business over the period, pleasingly the Company continued to realise a positive trend in Indigenous engagement. Monadelphous Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employment rate reached 3.05% in December 2019. The Company continued to progress its activities outlined in its Stretch Reconciliation Action Plan 2017- 2020. Through the Company’s ongoing commitment to improving outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, a dedicated Indigenous procurement strategy has been developed. It outlines the importance Monadelphous places on actively engaging suppliers who express a commitment to developing sustainable relationships with new and existing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander businesses. Similarly, Monadelphous continues to identify new partnerships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander owned businesses to enter into preferred supplier agreements and commercial relationships. RECENT INITIATIVES Attracting talent through innovation remains a priority and has seen Monadelphous commit to a number of initiatives in 2019 as well as invest in technologies which assist the Company to attract a workforce reflective of its organisational values. Monadelphous have a track record of delivering Innovation and Continuous Improvement across our operations and are committed to a culture that fosters the development of innovative solutions and delivery of continuous improvement that benefit both that of our business and our Customers. The launch of our Gender Diversity and Inclusion Plan and Stretched Reconciliation Action Plan in 2019 generated a renewed focus on innovative ways we could increase diversity across our organisation in line with the targets set down by these Plans. CULTURAL IMMERSION PROGRAM   Monadelphous leaders participated in a cultural immersion program in 2019 on culturally significant country near Beverley in WA, guided by traditional owners of the land. Participants had the opportunity to immerse themselves in Aboriginal culture, viewing historical sites and participating in open and honest conversations about perceptions and challenges. Activities were broken down into key themes of history, cultural competency, perception biases and how leaders may apply these learnings to both the workplace and their personal lives. GENDER DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION COMMITTEE   The release of our GD&I plan coincided with the formation of a GD&I Committee to act as the governing body of decision-makers and fundamental influencers, responsible for raising awareness of our commitments to enhancing female participation. The Committee meets four times annually to discuss commitments made in the GD&I plan, measure how we are tracking against our commitments, and evaluating means of continuous improvement of objectives and employees’ awareness and ownership of those commitments.  EMPLOYEE PARITY INITIATIVE   The Company’s success in diversity was highlighted in 2019 through inclusion in the Federal Government’s Employment Parity Initiative aimed at increasing the participation of Indigenous employees in Australian businesses. As a signatory, Monadelphous have committed to employing 60 new Indigenous employees in the first 12 months with a stretch target of 200 over the next 4 years.  Funding is received for successful outcomes that will be used to train, develop and retain Indigenous employees. Responsibilities relating to the reporting and communications have to be accepted and specific employment outcomes achieved. We’re super proud to have achieved our stretch goal of more than 3% Indigenous employment in August 2019, including 50+ Indigenous jobseekers maintaining employment with Monadelphous for a period of more than six months under the EPI. SUPPORTING INDIGENOUS BUSINESSES   LOCAL CONTENT ACTION FORUM (LCAF) A Local Content Action Forum (LCAF) was established in 2019 involving stakeholders from our projects, tendering and pre-contracts, procurement, and local content advisory teams come together bi-monthly to discuss local business participation opportunities. By collaborating in an action-oriented setting, LCAF aims to accelerate progress toward our RAP and local content outcomes. MONADELPHOUS INDIGENOUS BUSINESS DIRECTORY (MIBD) The first MIBD index of Indigenous businesses, prequalified and active within the Monadelphous ERP was published internally. The MIBD will continue to be published bi-monthly, and used to ensure opportunities are presented to Indigenous companies when sourcing for goods and services. GRADUATE PROGRAM 2020 INTAKE   The graduate marketplace is highly competitive.

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Jemena – Goulburn Gasworks Remediation Project

Jemena manages multiple legacy contaminated sites, which have been impacted by historical gas production and its associated infrastructure (Gasworks). These assets including the former Goulburn Gasworks were acquired through a business transaction and have been managed to ensure long term environmental risks are reduced or mitigated through our priority site management regime which incorporates the systematic approach of the Jemena Asset Management System. This forms a critical part of Jemena’s commitment to managing the full-life cycle of its assets including maintaining, monitoring for compliance and ensuring the correct retirement of an asset, as demonstrated by the successful delivery of the remediation of the former Goulburn Gasworks. Introduction and Use of Best Practice The former Goulburn Gasworks operated from 1879 until the 1970s when the production of gas through coal gasification ceased. The historical gasworks-related operations and waste handling contaminated the soil and groundwater on- and immediately off-site along the adjacent foreshore area of the Mulwaree River, which forms part of the Sydney water drinking catchment. The remediation works, which was completed in December 2019, represents a significant achievement in the close out process of asset management life cycle particularly after an acquisition of a poorly decommissioned asset. The project demonstrated how asset disposal can validate and improve the effectiveness of a company’s asset management practices and future due diligence procedures. Upholding the best practice asset management principles includes, focusing on the complete asset life-cycle of the physical asset as well as its associated liabilities related to its operation and maintenance, ensuring that no damage occurs to the environment or community. In contrast to this, the Goulburn Gasworks was operational and decommissioned at a time when environmental compliance was non-existent across industries and in-turn lead to significant environmental harm both on- and off-site. The primary objective of the project was to remove the potential of significant environmental harm caused by the ongoing contamination from the remaining gas production infrastructure while taking the opportunity to harness potential social, environmental and economic benefits for the people of Goulburn. This remediation required a solution which could meet the company objectives as to retiring and disposing of the asset with a triple bottom line approach, while removing the statutory and regulatory compliance requirements. The remediation required many innovative solutions to ensure it achieved the objective of reducing potential environmental harm both on-site at the former gasworks and off-site along the foreshore area, adjacent the Mulwaree River. On-site the project scope included: i) the construction of a 90 m long subterranean low permeable barrier wall between the site and foreshore area – to stop groundwater flow towards the River; ii) cleaning and decommissioning of all below ground assets including tanks, pipes, structures and gas holders; iii) removal of 270 tonnes pure tar for off-site destruction; iv) ex-situ stabilisation of tar-impacted soils with powdered activated carbon (undertaken within a purpose built environmental enclosure); and v) reinstatement and planting of ~2,500 native trees, shrubs and grasses across the site. Off-site, the project scope included: i) the removal and treatment tar within natural material at depth along the foreshore of the river; ii) removal of fill and asbestos impacts across the embankment; iii) the geotechnical repair of the embankment separating the former gasworks site and foreshore area; and iv) reinstatement of the bike track, road and revegetation of ~4,500 native trees, shrubs and grasses across the Council owned area. With the vegetation selected with input and assistance from Council and local community groups. Project Program and Management The project required multiple intrusive investigations over many years, to assess, delineate and ensure any remediation works undertaken achieved complete compliance and reduced/removed long term liabilities. The focus of the project was minimising impact to the community, ensuring a sustainable approach to the remediation and achieving a the best long term outcome whilst considering the environmental, social and economic aspects (triple bottom line) of asset management activities. The remediation was managed and overseen by Jemena’s Major Project Remediation Team and was undertaken between Nov 2018 to Dec 2019.  Project Team The project team involvement was critical in the project’s success, the team included a subject matter expert project manager, dedicated project support team and business support functions. Due to the complexities in the project, the team produced detailed and targeted scope requirements and consistently assessed risks and successfully managed complex issues to ensure the successful project delivery. Ingenuity The project required multiple alternative approaches to the overall methodology to ensure the works met the triple bottom line and overarching objectives. This required the implementation of multiple remediation methodologies including many first of a kind, including construction of a secant pile/soil low permeable wall to reduce groundwater flow and thermal treatment of pure tar. The on-site treatment methodology reduced the impacts to surrounding local infrastructure by removing over 2,500 truck and dog movements The project team utilised drone surveys to both manage material excavation and overall remediation progress. The drone footage provided another benefit whereby stakeholders were kept up to date with frequent drone images, demonstrating the scale and measurable project performance. The project team utilised drone surveys to both manage material excavation and overall remediation progress. The drone footage provided another benefit whereby stakeholders were kept up to date with frequent drone images, demonstrating the scale and measurable project performance. from the transport and treatment of contaminated material off-site. Another benefit of the project, was improving the aesthetics and function of the foreshore area which really demonstrated Jemena’s commitment and thanks to the community. The foreshore works included: Social Benefits at a Glance Finally, one of the project’s critical obstacles was transformed into an opportunity to provide support to the nearby drought-affected golf course. Jemena received a NSW EPA Resource Recovery Exemption and Order which allowed the application of treated and validated water from the water treatment plant to golf course fairways. This offered significant benefit to the project and community through the upgrading of golf course assets and reduced water consumption. Proactive Stakeholder Engagement To facilitate the remediation of the

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Gateway Motorway Services – Australia’s First Motorcycle Traffic Response Unit

1. Summary of the project, product, framework GMS is responsible for the operations and maintenance of one of Brisbane’s largest iconic pieces of infrastructure – the Gateway Bridge.  GMS must manage 64km of motorway and 88 bridges, responsible for the safe passage of over 320,000 Brisbane motorists per day. It is our goal to connect communities of Brisbane with confidence. Confidence that they will reach their destination safely, confidence they will reach their destination timely, and confidence they receive value for money for their toll journey. To achieve excellence in asset management GMS introduced Australia’s first Motorcycle Traffic Response Unit. An innovation in “congestion busting”. Gateway Bridge – Brisbane, QLD Australia’s first Motorcycle Traffic Response 2. Description of project or framework addressing the assessment criteria Use of Best Practice Asset Management Principles Department of Transport & Main Roads, QLD Police, Brisbane City Council and GMS GMS adopted an integrated approach in terms of asset management. Key elements that contributed to the success of the project was stakeholder engagement, robust risk assessments and operator training and competencies. Integrated stakeholder support was vital for the success of the project. Stakeholders included large profile entities such as Queensland Department of Main Roads, Brisbane City Council, Transurban, Queensland Police Service (QPS), Queensland Public Safety Bureau, Ventia and Lendlease. To support this claim QPS volunteered to design the motorcycle in such a way that it would meet legislative requirements but still act as a deterrent for speeding motorists. DTMR executed an exemption clause to allow the use of a motorcycle as a dedicated TIMS fleet member.    MTRU Service Delivery Capacity Service delivery needs formed the basis of all practices and decisions. A project review revealed that congested traffic queues impeded response times when responding in Incident Response Vehicles such as truck mounted attenuators, utilities and tilt trays. These vehicles were not conducive for lane filtering or shoulder egress. There were also significant number of areas along the network that consisted of reduced shoulder width inhibiting response options. The team demonstrated strong leadership of asset management at the highest corporate planning level which was critical to ensuring all parts of the organisation work together effectively in the pursuit of responsible asset management. The use of motorcycles as response vehicles in high speed motorway environment was not an easy sell at a corporate level. The business case planning for the project had comprised of 10 revisions alone before being accepted. The risk journey included; 5 x external individual risk and hazard identification sessions; 2 x internal group risk review forums;1 x external SARS; 2 x desktop scenario sessions;3 x Senior executive briefings and 50 lead/engage/discussion activities. MTRU Risk Matrix Discounted Asset Management Suggestion Asset management decisions were informed by evaluation of alternative means of service provision, full life cycle costing, and performance measurement and monitoring. Critical success metrics were identified before project implementation. The team took full control and accountability of risk management and reporting requirements for assets which was clearly communicated and implemented. The team were brave enough to discount some client requests as some suggested Asset Management projects were not considered to be value adding. In terms of sustainability the MTRU units averaged 20,000km each, averaging 10 litres of fuel per day. Reduced the carbon footprint of the business by 15%. The project eliminated in lane work activity for the first responder. Whilst police averaged three tyre punctures a week GMS only encountered one puncture in 12 months due to the puncture resistant trial tyres. Degree of originality and ingenuity of solution Historically the use of motorcycles was not palatable to stakeholders. When researching the words “risk” or “dangerous” 50% of search engine images include a two wheeled vehicle. The level of complexity in treating perceived bias and risk associated with the use of a motorcycle was very challenging. There has been no previous TIMS provider that has been able to introduce motorcycles into the industry in Australia. In the TIMS industry this project is very significant and has generated national and international inquiries from Western Australian Department of Main Roads and Caltrans from United States. The MTRU project is the first of its kind in Australia and is an innovative tool to ensure excellence in Asset Management. It helps support optimum “safe lane availability”. The project conceived other ingenuity innovations such as; Program and project management The program commenced on 17th December 2018 and concluded 17th December 2019. Chief program deliverables included;   MTRU Asset shoulder egressing and lane splitting The project consisted of ex-police motorcycles being deployed upon the open road network to respond to traffic incidents that occur within peak periods that consist of congested traffic queues.  The motorcycles possess the advantage of being small enough to safely attend the scene via the use of carriageway shoulders and lane filtering manoeuvres. The project devised contingency plans in the infancy of the project lifecycle at a business case level.  Preventive action plans were then authored at the project plan stage, and corrective measures then introduced from lessons learnt during review stages of project implementation phase. The three top risks were identified as; The project management of the innovation won the National AIPM Awards 2019 for best Professional Services and Project Manager of the year. Project Management Excellence Award Benefit/Value of the project or service to the community or organisation The following community and organisational benefits were achieved and recognised at the 2019 Brisbane Lord Mayor Awards; 3. Opinion as to specific contribution made by the nominated individual/team /organisation The following stakeholder opinions have been extracted from written public compliment testimonials. There is no better way to demonstrate contribution levels than thru raw uncensored feedback. “My full name is David Allen. I am the Road Operations Manager for Transurban Queensland (TQ). GMS is a contracted service provider for TQ. The contract scope includes the provision of asset management services of the original Gateway Motorway. It is my expectation that all contractors seek to introduce their projects to the market faster, lower their

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Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions (DJPR) – Building and Measuring Asset Management Maturity

Summary of the project, product, framework The Strategy and Investment (S&I) team within the Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions (DJPR) is leading the implementation of the Asset Management Accountability Framework. Key products, frameworks and processes implemented over the last 12 months include: Critically, an innovative attestation processes and self-assessment tool to measure asset management maturity and inform compliance, improvement plans and public attestations has also been developed and implemented. Description of project or framework Use of Best Practice Asset Management Principles DJPR and its portfolio agencies manage a diverse portfolio of state significant assets that contribute to Victoria’s wealth and wellbeing. This comes with the responsibility of ensuring these assets are well managed to maximise services and outcomes for the community and to preserve their cultural and heritage value. Snapshot of Asset Management in DJPR  DJPR was formed as a new Department on 1 January 2019, bringing together elements from a number of different departments. DJPR has direct responsibility for around $630 million in assets and indirect responsibility for a further $9.9 billion in assets managed by its portfolio agencies. As a Victorian Government department, DJPR is subject to the Asset Management Accountability Framework (AMAF), which establishes flexible and non-prescriptive requirements to ensure assets are managed efficiently and effectively. DJPR has leverage the AMAF as a tool for driving asset management improvement and maturity, rather than treating it as a compliance burden. Effective implementation of the asset management products, frameworks and processes implemented over the last 12 months is focused on: Degree of originality and ingenuity of solution The core products, frameworks and processes implemented over the last 12 months include are summarised in table 1 below. Two areas of particularly merit with regard to originality and ingenuity are the DJPR Attestation process and self-assessment tool and the implementation of the Asset Management Reference Group. Additional information on the Asset Management Reference Group is provide in the “contributions” sections. Additional Information on the DJPR Attestation process and self-assessment tool is provided in the “general comments” section. The tool is also attached. Table 1 – List of products/processes/frameworks developed Work done/authorised  Description  DJPR Asset Management Framework       The AM Framework integrates all the Asset Management related decisions, processes, leadership and governance within DJPR and shows the dependencies and linkages between the AM Policy, AM Strategy, business processes, information systems and human resources that are involved in an asset management capacity. DJPR Asset Management Policy  The AM Policy informs the whole of life cycle asset management related decisions and activities. It outlines how “good” asset management practices may be embedded within asset / investment evidence-based decision making and articulates the roles and responsibilities of DJPR Groups in aligning assets to service delivery outcomes. DJPR Asset Management Strategy  DJPR AM Strategy sets out the enduring improvement roadmap addressing both asset management and compliance requirements within DJPR relative to the current level of asset management maturity.   Asset Investment Prioritisation Framework and Implementation Plan This provides a structured mechanism for prioritising capital investment, ensuring decisions are evidence based and prioritised against decision criterion. This process enables consistent and transparent decision making that is aligned to DJPR’s strategic vision, objectives and values.   DJPR Asset Information Management Systems (AIMS) methodology  AIMS methodology has been developed and includes requirements, processes to accurately record, identify, re-value and report on the performance of an asset over the whole of lifecycle stages. This will foster evidence-based decision-making to maintain, modify, rehabilitate, find an alternative use, or dispose of an asset.  DJPR Attestation process and self-assessment tool  The attestation process document stipulates clear expectations and requirements for the 2019-20 public attestation. Additionally, it provides guidance for assessment and includes a template for the remedial action plans to support the non-compliant AMAF mandatory requirements.  The self-assessment tool requires DJPR Groups to provide their self-assessments against each of the AMAF mandatory requirements and provide evidence to support their assessments.  Although AMAF does not require maturity self- assessment until 2020-21, DJPR has built maturity assessment analysis into the “Attestation tool”. This places DJPR as the leader in measuring asset management maturity within the Victorian Government. Progressive adoption and implementation of Asset Management guidelines  Guidelines have been developed for:  – Asset Management Plans – Performance Monitoring – Intangible Assets   Program and project management Building and Measuring Asset Management Maturity has been a key focus in DJPR. Table 2 below summarises the core management structure for the development and implementation of products, frameworks and processes. Table 2 – Accountabilities Authority Accountability DJPR Finance Committee (FC) Is accountable for:»      endorsing and recommending for approval (by the Secretary) the AM framework, policy and strategy»      ensuring the AM policy and strategy are implemented»      reviewing the final consolidated AMAF Attestation and maturity assessments from DJPR Groups» endorsing the Asset Prioritisation Framework and providing evidence -based priority list of Investments Strategy Owner (Investment and Procurement) Is accountable for:  »        the development of the framework, policy and strategy»        development of the DJPR Attestation process and self-assessment tool »        ensuring the policy and strategy are congruent with DJPR policies and strategies»        finalising the consolidated AMAF Attestation and maturity assessments from DJPR Groups Asset Management Reference Group (AMRG) Is accountable for:»      contributing to AM policy, strategy and framework review»      ensuring that AM policy and strategy are fully integrated into ‘business as usual’»      providing assistance to the Groups/Agencies to develop evidence-based Asset Management Plans»   peer reviewing (assurance) on the AMAF self- assessments that inform DJPR Attestation against AMAF Standing Directions These roles and responsibilities are underpinned by an internal audit program that tests: Benefit/Value of the project or service to the community or organisation The asset management products, frameworks and processes implemented over the last 12 months: Importantly, the establishment and operation of the AMRG creates a broad coalition who are acting as change agents within DJPR. The collective approach adopted in the development and implementation of the key products, frameworks and processes helps ensure their relevance and longevity. The products, frameworks and processes will enable DJPR to: These actions ultimately help ensure

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City of Port Adelaide Enfield – Job Start App

1. Summary of the project The City of Port Adelaide Enfield has implemented an original and innovative take on the construction industry “take five” style of hazard check. The Council’s IT team has designed and developed software that integrates with the corporate Asset Management System to provide a tablet/phone based Job Start App (JSA).Implemented in late 2019, it has been embraced by the field teams. Participation is up; record keeping improved and communication and consultation of all site specific hazards is occurring. The previously used paper based records have been eliminated. Most importantly, it promotes a safe workplace by giving field workers a simple and effective hazard check tool – used before each task commencement and throughout the work shift 2. Description of project The City of Port Adelaide Enfield uses an Asset Management system (AMS) to manage data regarding its Asset configuration, hierarchies, inspection results, condition data, work performed, cost data etc. All work performed and expenses incurred are costed to assets through work orders. Every work order in the AMS has three mandatory attributes; an Asset that is the target of the work, an Activity (the type of work being performed) and the service to which the asset belongs. Within the AMS, safety messages (in essence any document or URL) can be recorded against Assets or Activity. For example, a Safe Operating Procedure may exist for the activity of mowing and another for a specific instance a mower. There also maybe a specific safety message associated with the reserve being mowed. The software leverages this capability by asking staff to enter the work order number they will action and the plant they will use. The software can then derive the safety messages to display to the crew. This has eliminated the need to carry folders of paper with safety instructions. This principal can also applied to any document held in electronic format (e.g. instruction manuals, installation manuals). The software also knows when a document has been versioned and will alert users that new versions exist. The software provides the flexibility of recording any additional hazards (and control measures) which are identified during the work tasks. The solution has been developed to deeply integrate with the corporate Asset Management System and records management system. All work orders, activities, plant and equipment references are drawn from the AMS using their published Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). The management of the safety messages occurs in the AMS and the App utilises custom built solutions to extract the messages and present them in a format to optimise performance. Once a JSA is submitted, it is stored and indexed in Council’s corporate Records Management System along with any drawn images, photographic evidence that relate to the JSA.   The solution supports electronic signatures (for both staff, contractors and visitors) and if the hazards identified are modified after all parties sign off; the signatures are invalidated and the JSA cannot be submitted. The end users have become familiar with marking up electronic maps with traffic control and capture these using tools available on their tablets and store them against the JSA. The transaction nature of the application provides the ability to implement controls that could not be implemented in paper based systems. For example; comparing timesheet data to JSA data in any period can determine if work is being done on assets with no JSA completed. In the previous system; determining compliance was extremely time consuming. The software app is responsive to the multiple devices; PC, laptop, table or phone. The approach that was used for these types of software projects is to drive out risk as early as possible. Requirements are tested by early design and prototypes. These were socialised amongst key users and stakeholders before any significant investment in the software build. This approach paid dividends with a significant change to the requirement uncovered during this phase. The process of ensuring the safety documents could be delivered from an internal system was tested using a ‘simulator’. A test harness that could accept activities, works orders and assets, find the documents and present them to the user. A significant trial across multiple teams (across different asset classes) was undertaken to drive out any final issues. Items found were priorities and resolved. Training was a significant part of the project and delivered over a number of weeks; team by team. This project involved a number of people across the organisation; including the Information Technology team, People and Culture/WHS and Managers, Co-ordinators and Team Leaders from the City Assets Department. Project Management was provided by the Information Technology team. This solution has delivered a number of benefits the most significant relate to working safely. Management and accountability benefits In addition, record keeping and evidence is significantly improved 3. Opinion as to specific contribution made by the nominated individual/team /organisation This solution has come about as result of the improving maturity of the outside staff’s understanding of how information systems contribute to streamlining business processes. When tablets were introduced to the outside workforce (approx. 190 staff) in 2014, the training load was greater than anticipated. The teams were keen but inexperienced and computer skills taken for granted in a modern workforce did not exist. Within a relatively short time, they had not only adapted but were suggesting improvements and looking for ways to eliminate paper handing. The volume of safety related materials being distributed and maintained in paper format was a clear candidate. The Information Technology team has a deep knowledge of the Asset Management System, the relationships between work activity and safety instructions and the relationships between specific assets and safety instructions. As a result they were able to design a job start application that fits seamlessly into the way staff plan and undertake their work. The IT team also have a group of talented staff that can draw out requirements; design software and socialise those designs; develop a user interfaces that is simple to use and fit for purpose; develop and test quality software and undertake

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Department of Transport Victoria & Assetic – The Moonshot Vision: Re-imagining Victoria’s Public Transport Network

1. Summary of the project The Department of Transport (DoT) is the custodian of over ten million discrete transport assets, currently valued in excess of $100b, with a further $50b in advanced planning or delivery through the “Big Build”. Regulatory instruments such as the Transport Integration Act, Asset Management Accountability Framework, and DoT Strategic Plan each call for customer-centric, outcome-focussed asset management, integrated across all modes. DoT and Assetic partnered solve this challenge with the internally-named “Moonshot” – because, like President Kennedy’s “Moonshot challenge” in 1961 which challenged the whole country to unite in sending a person to the moon and back before the end of the decade, it hasn’t yet been achieved nor has how it will be achieved been defined. Figure 1 – Building on experience, capability and innovation, Assetic and the DoT partnered to achieve the Moonshot 2. Description of the project At the outset it was clear DoT required an evidence base with: DoT was aware it had sub-optimal decision making due to: DoT and Assetic (‘the Collaboration’) came together to tackle these challenges in a systemic way, achieving Moonshot via a risk managed test and scale approach. The decision was to prove the methodology through a pilot project, leveraging data structures, output algorithms, optimisation challenges, cross-mode analysis methods and linkage algorithms (impact on intangibles) on a small area with representative samples of each mode of transport. This provided confidence that the project was feasible, and able to be extrapolated to a corridor and subsequently a region, fully acknowledging that the scale of the problem as well as the number of input/output variables scale up exponentially. (Figure 2: Example outputs). Figure 2 – Example Output from Stage 1 Pilot showing asset Cost, Performance and Risk optimisation underdiffering asset investment options The pilot demonstrated the value of: Figure 3 – Pilot project output showing capital works planning over multiple years and opportunity for optimisation Figure 4 – Performance, Risk and Cost scenarios for different funding profiles over time and by asset class Use of Best Practice Asset Management Principles Application of best practice asset management principles through the DoT-Assetic collaboration’s Sydney Road pilot phase established the case for optimisation from an evidence base, and its contribution to the eventual Moonshot (Figure 5).  Figure 5 – The Moonshot vision takes service-driven asset management to the next level – truly user-driven For asset management to become strategically relevant to DoT, it has to be integrated into planning of service delivery and user outcomes, not just stop at technical asset management outputs. Historically assets were managed for their own sake, not directly for service or customer outcomes. The shift from yesterday’s asset management landscape of straight-line depreciation and budget-driven asset provision to a service driven framework (Figure 6) is a fundamental pillar of Assetic’s expertise. Over 12+ years Assetic has helped over 150 asset-intense agencies flip their approach and actualise optimisation of asset provision in line with users’ service requirements. Figure 6 – the flip from budget- to service-driven asset management is a pillar of Assetic’s work Further, there was an opportunity to apply DoT’s expertise combined with Assetic’s asset optimisation science to ensure the best service from current assets at the optimal investment level – multiplied across all modes. The need to renew existing infrastructure is acute and doing so is expensive. Once an asset degrades and service provision declines substantially, there’s a subsequent increase in cost to repair (Figure 7). Intervening at the optimal time in the optimal manner extends asset life at the optimal cost. Figure 7 – As an asset enters the “Failure Zone” renewal and maintenance costs rise quickly(credit: McKinsey & Company, Voices on Infrastructure) Degree of originality and ingenuity of the solution The project delivered breakthrough outcomes in decision making, demanding a different way of thinking from inception to delivery. To achieve this, three lenses were applied from the outset, shaping actions and results, and adding additional insight and value: This project is breaking new ground with: Figure 8 – Defining the logic pathways between asset interventions and user outcomes Successful delivery of this project required not just expertise and innovation in mindset, but also in analytical optimisation tools. Assetic Predictor comprises comprehensive algorithms which accurately model asset behaviour into the future against various budget and service-driven criteria, but not yet at the Moonshot level of true user-centricity. DoT’s asset management vision and leadership, combined with Assetic’s data science expertise, brings the Moonshot vision of this project closer to reality.  Program and project management The project has been staged in delivery to mitigate risk and ensure effectiveness: Each step has refined thinking for the Collaboration, clarifying solutions to be developed, as well as demonstrating maturity of existing options to deliver required outcomes. Guided by a true ‘plan-do-check-act’ mindset, the project direction has been adjusted and progressed in understanding with key learnings: The next stage will begin to leverage modelling capability to realise benefits at scale on assets, projects and operations. Overall this agile, flexible, systems engineering approach has provided risk management to both limit exposure of large investments (negative risk) and enable increased opportunities as exposure and learnings evolve (positive risk). Benefit/Value of the project or service to the community or organisation DoT is an asset intensive State Transport Agency, managing $100b transport assets with a further $50b coming online in the next decade. An objective, defendable and future proofed approach to asset management decisions will deliver significant benefit and value to a multitude of stakeholders. The Moonshot project has helped the DoT operate more cohesively and collaboratively, providing a consistent language and scientific evidence base from which to discuss asset management with customer and community outcomes front of mind. It will help Assetic further advance its prediction modelling platform, taking it from delivering service-driven strategies and models to the next level of true user-driven outcomes. We can then not only see our asset future, but one that services the communities of the future and their specific needs. This tool will then be

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NSW Government & AssetFuture – The Dynamic Utilisation Factor: Redefining Short Term Lifecycle Modeling

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY After a journey to understand the maintenance backlog across 2,200 schools the NSW Department of Education (DoE) can now confidently project requirements for current and future funding of maintenance and has committed to wiping the maintenance backlog to zero by the end of the 2019/20 financial year.  Extending to an IoT (Internet of Things) pilot will enable NSW DoE to predict relevant changes to maintenance strategies during the operating phase of the assets with a more real-time view. The result is a methodology that creates a degradation model that works on a different time scale. Over time, the Dynamic Utilisation Factor can enable predictive utilisation and inform performance optimisation opportunities in future asset design and construction. PROJECT MISSION NSW DoE has utilised forecasting intelligence using qualitative data points across the design and orientation of their asset base. The next phase of progress is the next generation of degradation modeling using live IoT data within NSW Schools. This aligns with the Primary objective of NSW DoE’s Vision statement: To be Australia’s best education system and one of the finest in the world. This trial has seen NSW DoE expand into IoT to inform strategic business decisions for learning environments. Onsite sensors have been installed to monitor classroom conditions such as lighting, temperature, humidity, C02 levels, movement and vibration. The project seeks to investigate, analyse, benchmark and elevate the quality of the learning environment for all stakeholders, including principals, teachers, parents and students. IoT data aims to alleviate the burden of ensuring the classroom is an optimal learning space for students, as well as providing greater insight into understanding NSW school assets moving into the future. By extending the IoT within NSW Schools, NSW DoE has ultimately been able to provide greater insight into understanding NSW school assets moving into the future. NSW DoE is considering a proposal to extend the trial across a larger number of schools. THE IoT PROJECT PROGRAM AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT The NSW DoE has embarked on a research project with AssetFuture to investigate the possibility of calibrating degradation models with sensor-based data. Selection of the schools (one secondary and one primary) was made based on proximity to each other so that sensors could be installed and maintained easily. The project team from AssetFuture managed the installation of the sensors in collaboration with the Principals and teachers, taking into account of parameters and constraints including school times, class times, teacher availability, student safety (Working with Children compliance). Once installed, these sensors provided zero disruption to the classrooms. Figure 1 – IoT with Department of Education 57 sensors were deployed in 2 schools from June 2019 and is still active. Sensor data was then analysed using the Dynamic Utilisation Factor. THE DYNAMIC UTILISATION FACTOR The Dynamic Utilisation Factor is a new concept that will enable NSW DoE to further understand how and when an asset is used. This data, which will be collected over time, will allow NSW DoE to enhance the accuracy of predictive utilisation and inform performance optimisation opportunities. By extending this project into IoT devices NSW DoE will use the Dynamic Utilisation Factor to significantly improve the feedback loop of individual assets within rooms and buildings to enhance future asset forecasting. Utilisation is defined as: Equation 1 – Dynamic Utilisation Factor where: Equation 2 – Relative Occupancy Rate and: Equation 3 – Relative Room Capacity Additionally, the area per person according to use is as follows (Australian Building Codes Board 2020): Table 1 – Area per person according to use Type of use Area per person Early childhood centre 4 m2 School – general classroom 2 m2 School – multi-purpose hall 1 m2 School – staff room 10 m2 School – trade and practical – primary 4 m2 School – trade and practical – secondary 30 m2     RESULTS The total number of people entering each distinct area (Area A, B, C & D) between May 2019 and December 2019 was used for the following work examples below. To avoid outliers skewing the results, data points with dates falling on a weekend or during the school holiday period were excluded from the sample dataset. Using the formulas described in methodology, the results have been calculated as Utilisation and normalised as Adjusted Utilisation in Table 2: Table 2 – Utilisation rate of each area Area Area Type Utilisation Adjusted Utilisation A Classroom 0.69 0.83 B Classroom 1.92 1.33 C Classroom 1.26 1.12 D Classroom 0.78 0.88 It can be observed in Table 2 that Area A and D have an 83% and 88% utilisation rate respectively.  Therefore, assets in Area A and D should have their Design Life increased by 17% and 12% respectively.  Whereas, assets in Area B and C are overutilised which means their Design Life should decrease by 33% and 12% respectively. Extrapolating this calculation over time coupled with an underlying degradation model will produce a significantly more accurate representation of degradation unique to actual room utilisation.  This can be seen in Figure 3 below where dynamic utilisation is applied over time: Figure 3 – Impact of dynamic utilisation over and assets lifespan Due to the relatively lower utilisation once the asset is beyond Poor (Condition 4) state, the item exceeded Design Life despite having higher than expected utilisation between Good (Condition 2) to Poor (Condition 4).  This equates to an increase of 3.35 years prior to replacement at End of Life (Condition 5).  Applying Dynamic Utilisation at scale over time to performance critical assets would substantially improve predicting degradation and subsequently the actual point of condition intervention. IMPACT Dynamic Utilisation Factor significantly improves the accuracy and feedback loop of individual assets within rooms to further understand how and when an asset is used.  Over time, collection of utilisation data can enable predictive utilisation and inform performance optimisation opportunities in future asset design and construction. PROJECT APPLICATIONS TO BEST PRACTICE FIT FOR PURPOSE Customer needs are at the forefront of this project, and here the primary customer is NSW School

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