- Summary of the project, product, framework (maximum 100 words) A short paragraph or dot-point summary of the key aspects of the project or framework
The Open Space Landscape Infrastructure Manual (LIM) is a technical manual that provides guidance during the design, development and delivery of council controlled open space. It promotes quality, compliance and sustainability, which minimises ongoing maintenance and ensures longevity.
The manual is aimed at designers, project delivery personnel and maintenance teams, for both developer and council delivered assets. It is a living document which will grow and evolve as councils’ needs change, products improve and technical information advances.
The LIM is an innovative approach to asset management, as its holistic approach and operational learnings are key to its success.
- Description of project or framework addressing the assessment criteria (maximum 1000 words)
2a. Use of Best Practice Asset Management Principles
The Open Space Landscape Infrastructure Manual (LIM) is a robust design guideline which incorporates corporate plans and strategies, Australian Standards, relevant legislative requirements, best practice design process, operational learnings, asset performance and specialist knowledge. The information contained within, is the result of a collaboration across Council departments, external industry specialists and manufacturers. The resulting guideline is a truly collaborative approach for the design and delivery of council owned assets which benefit both the community and Council. The LIM provides a ‘one stop shop’ design and construction manual.
Key outcomes of the LIM guideline include the following:
- The LIM is a one-stop-shop guideline for Council and external designers to ensure incorporation of current legislative and Council requirements, for example equal access requirements. The resulting time savings are translated into improved effectiveness in the delivery and maintenance of council projects. Outcomes are measured in KPIs.
- Key design criteria and warranty / asset life recommendations, provides simple choice selection for design / manufacture by internal staff and external developers. Increased design effectiveness achieved by the provision of a one-stop-shop design resource. Outcomes are measured in KPIs.
- Product innovation by consultation with suppliers to improve designs which result in new products that comply with council and legislative requirements. For example, smart technologies have been utilised for different purposes.
- Reduction in operational maintenance as LIM preferred products and practices continue to be rolled out. Finishes to timber products installed in outdoor areas have been refined to discount products which do not meet the required operational benefits. The result is a reduction in regular maintenance. Outcomes are measured in KPIs.
- Asset management benefits resulting from the roll out of robust, LIM compliant products. Design criteria eliminates the selection of materials which degrade and require early replacement. Outcomes are measured in KPIs.
- Asset management improvement resulting from the developer handover of appropriate embellishments. Developers save time by selecting accordingly. Outcomes are measured in KPIs.
2b Degree of originality and ingenuity of solution
The LIM embodies the nomination category due to the collaborative process employed during the compilation of material incorporated into the document, together with the ongoing consultation process.
The LIM document contains:
- Introduction and Design Principles: includes FAQs, How to use the LIM and a Glossary
- Preliminaries: provides overarching advice on Environmental Management and Vegetation Management
- Embellishments: provides guidance about the design, manufacture and construction of open space embellishments including; Animals; Barriers; Furniture; Pedestrian Infrastructure; Planting; Play, Sport and Activities; Signs, Art and Memorials; Structures and Parking; Utilities and Smart Technology; Water Access, Facilities and Treatment.
- Palettes: provides categories under the headings of Materials, Fixings and Planting.
Each category of embellishment contains three parts:
- An Information Sheet which contains advice about planning, design, development and delivery of assets (including sustainability)
- Technical Drawings provides standard construction drawings for fabrication
- Specifications contain Council’s minimum acceptable standard
The LIM offers a full package from design to contract. Information sheets provide product design advice, and diagrams and a product matrix profiles a selection of products that meet the design criteria. It also provides warranty and asset life benchmarks. Technical drawings offer standard drawings which can be bundled for inclusion in a design brief for consultants. Specifications provide more detailed information, a resource which can be included into a contract. The LIM has been compiled containing stand-alone sections (eg. bins, play spaces) which enable a designer to extract the relevant category of embellishment, or activity areas required to assist with the design of the project.
The LIM is unique in its inclusion of information and diagrams illustrating the incorporation of equal access advice (reviewed by an accredited access consultant), ensuring user experience and functionality is a key part of the design process.
The LIM has been recognised as being a ground-breaking innovative solution to open space design. The LIM promotes quality, compliance and sustainability, which in turn minimises ongoing maintenance and ensures longevity of our open space assets.
2c Program and project management
The LIM manual is accessible to both internal and external users on Sunshine Coast Council’s website. The website is user friendly and interactive, with drawings able to be downloaded. Unlike other manuals, the LIM content is constantly researched and updates are uploaded yearly to the website.
The LIM team employ continuing consultation with experts in their respective field to ensure the manual continues to be a powerful tool for users. The LIM is constantly being researched, updated, and improved to provide a reliable source of current information. The resulting guideline contains best practice methods which include design applications, together with up to date advice on technological advances and near future technologies.
The LIM remains up to date and innovative by incorporating continual feedback from designers and project delivery professionals (both internal and external), as well as operational maintenance teams. Key stakeholders from across Council provide professional advice and workshop improved design solutions. Externally, the LIM team meets with manufacturers and specialist professionals to assemble innovative solutions that are fit for purpose.
2d Benefit/Value of the project or service to the community or organisation
The LIM promotes good asset management principles, including quality, compliance and sustainability, which in turn minimises ongoing maintenance and ensures longevity of our open space assets.
The LIM is constantly being updated, researched and improved by the team, to provide a reliable source of information that is current for park users, developers and Council employees. We are constantly working with experts in their field, learning best practice methods that may be applied to design and keeping up to date with technological advances.
The LIM project is focused on the quality concept of continuous improvement therefore, the LIM is a living document which will grow and evolve as Council’s needs change.
2e Submission
- Opinion as to specific contribution made by the nominated individual/team /organisation (maximum 500 words)
The LIM will improve Council’s financial management of landscape infrastructure by establishing effective systems and processes. This is achieved by capturing industry best practice skills and knowledge in one resource, the LIM. The manual will assist with decision-making pertaining to appropriate and high quality asset choices regarding landscape embellishments, and will ultimately build financial sustainability through the reduction of asset maintenance costs, while maintaining high levels of service and enhancing operational efficiencies.
The LIM stays up to date and innovative by the LIM team collaborating with designers and project delivery professionals (both internal and external), as well as operational maintenance teams. Key stakeholders from across Council provide professional advice and help workshop improved design solutions. Externally, the LIM team collaborates with manufacturers and specialist professionals to provide innovative solutions that are fit for purpose.
The LIM is constantly being updated, researched and improved by the team, to provide a reliable source of information that is current to park users, developers and council employees. We are constantly working with experts in their field, learning best practice methods that may be applied to design and keeping up to date with technological advances.
The LIM provides a consistent approach to asset management across the organisation, by providing a benchmark to all users. It provides a living document that can adapt, as councils needs change.
- General comments you may wish to add (maximum 500 words) Attach photos, plans, reports etc that demonstrate particular features of the project or framework
The LIM currently has nearly 40 different categories published on the SCC website for users to access. Any new categories or updates are published annually.
Please see attached:
- Newsletter – containing a list of categories currently published.
- JPEG images – as requested as part of submission entry