Yogo Wijayanto*, Rendra Syam Mustopa, Sandro Sitohang, Ahmad Faishol Amin
PT. PJB Services, Indonesia
PJB Services has operated 31 power plants with total capacity of 5,310 MW in Indonesia by implementing Asset Management.PJB Services has changed the implementation of asset management from the old model to the new asset management of PJB Services since 2019. The difference between the old and new asset management is the person in charge of each process. In new asset management, power plant persons only maintaining execution process, then planning process is maintained by head office persons with digital technology that has been developed. Improved performance and efficiency in personnel costs are the result of this implementation.
About PJB Services
PT. Pembangkitan Jawa Bali Services (PJB Services) is an Operation and Maintenance company in Power Plants. As a trusted Operation and Maintenance company in Indonesia, PJB Services has operated 5,310 MW total capacities in 31 power plants. Company vision of PJB Services is to become a Trusted Power Generation and Industrial Utilities Management Company in Southeast Asia. The solutions or services to our customers start from the kWh based business as Operation and Maintenance (O&M), and beyond kWh based business such as Maintenance Repair and Overhaul (MRO), Engineering Services, Green Power, and the other solutions. PJB Services has managed various kinds of power plants and various types of power generation capacities in Indonesia by implementing Asset Management.To manage customers power plants, PJB Services has used best practice standard such as, Asset Management ISO 55001 (Certified on February 2016), Quality Management ISO 9001: 2015 (Certified on April 2017), Environtment Management ISO 14001: 2015 (Certified on April 2017), Safety and Health Management ISO 45001 (Certified on August 2020).
Asset Management Framework
PJB Services Power Generation Management Framework based on asset management best practices, from philosophy (Figure 1) than specified to implementation (Figure 2).

Figure 1: Asset Management Best Practices Philosophy Based On ISO 55001:2015

Figure 2: PJB Services Asset Management
The key success factor in how PJB Services can manage all power plants across Indonesia was how PJB Services can adopt the philosophy Asset management best practice based on ISO 55001:2015, to a formula that fit in PJB Services, and it’s called PJB Services Asset Management. Starting from the performance indicator analysis that produce generation plan. Those generation plan will be classified in 6 streams, Reliability Management, Work Planning Control (WPC) Management, Outage Management, Supply Chain Management, Efficiency Management, and Operation Management. All plans must be part of Risk Management mitigation, risk that effect Key Performance Indicator’s (KPI) achievement, and support by enablers is a must. Then in every process, PJB Services implements Safety, Health, and Environtmental Management based on ISO 45001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 to maintain human safety and environmental friendly in every power plants. All execution’s performance and condition the program carefully monitored to be came continues improvement for performance indicator and generation plan. For customers satisfaction, PJB Services always ensure quality of asset management process based on ISO 9001:2015.
New Model Asset Management Implementation and Comando Integration
In 2019, Indonesia Ministry Of Energy and Resources said there are three global trend of electricity industries that called decentralization, decarbonization, and digitization (3D). Decentralized mean electricity power generation must be distributed and electricity consumer can be electricity producer. Decarbonization mean power generation plant technology moves from non-renewable to renewable power plant to maintain carbon emission. Digitization mean technology of electricity industries moves to digital technology and transform to industries 4.0. To answer that challenge, PJB Services must transform it’s asset management from old model (Figure 3) and new asset management (model 3) of PJB Services (Figure 4). So, PJB Services is ready to manage more power plants especially renewable energy based power plant that will be distributed in Indonesia moreover in South East Asia with digital transformation in asset management.

Figure 3: Old Asset Management of PJB Services

Figure 4: New Asset Management of PJB Services (Model 3)
Differences between old and new asset management is the person that responsible in every process. In old asset management, from planning to execution process must be maintained by power plant persons. In new asset management, power plant persons only maintaining execution process then planning process is maintained by head office persons with digital technology that has been developed so that new asset management is maintained based on digital transformation. In 2019, PJB Services had been successful develop Condition Monitoring and Data Operation (COMANDO) application to maintain condition based of all power plants assets then PJB Services get Gold Medal Information Technology Project of the Year in Asian Power Awards (Figures 5). COMANDO play important role in asset management change because of all assets parameters are collected in COMANDO then analyzed by head office engineers so that recommendation of the parameters can be planned by head office planners with Maximo or Ellipse and executed by power plants persons.

Figure 5: PJB Services Gold Medal Achievement in Asian Power Awards at 2019

Figure 6: Development of COMANDO in PJB Services

Figure 7: COMANDO in PJB Services
PJB Servces New Asset management have been started to implemented in 2020 by an agreement between asset manager and asset owner. This policy is stated in the Peraturan Direksi No. 105.P/019/DIR/2020 about Guideliness for Executing Model 3 in Power Plant Management. The Power Plant implementing model 3 are Tembilahan, Bangka, Belitung, Bolok, Ropa Steam Power Plant. To support it’s implementation, COMANDO had been developed more complex and divided by data acquisition (Figure 6) process consist of:
- Condition Based Maintenance (CBM) data consist of vibration, thermography, current analysis, oil analysis, and dissolved gas analysis that will be collected and analyzed periodically to create CBM recommendation.

Figure 7. Asset Health Matrix display
- Realtime Operation Monitoring that will be observed real time to maintain power plants efficiency and performance.

Figure 8. Realtime operation monitoring display
- Operator Rounds (E-Logsheet) data that will be observed periodically to ensure the local power plants parameters has been observed and evaluated.

Figure 9. E-logsheet display
- Chemical parameters data that will be observed periodically to ensure steam and water quality of the boilers.
Beside COMANDO there are several tools or application that help the implementation of new asset management, consist of:
- Maximo IBM to maintain operation and maintenance history data of every assets and help planner to maintain work order and resources.
- Preventive Hero to maintan report and documentation of Preventive Action.
- Raptor to help performance and efficiency calculation based on power plants cycles.
After all data has been collected, analyzed and the recommendations has been given to be planned, persons in power plants must be focussed on quality of execution and make sure all of the recommendation are executed. After finished, they must be created any feed back for continuous improvement process.
Implementation and Result
The asset management implemented by PJB Services is proven to be able to achieve several of the company’s main goals.
- In general, the performance of the model 3 power plant experienced a significant increase. After model 3 was applied, the Equivalent Availability Factor (EAF) increased to 1.81 – 10%. The Equivalent Force Outage Rate (EFOR) tends to experience good trending with a decrease of around 1.26 – 3.99%. An increase in EAF and a decrease in EFOR proves that the power plant is reliable because disturbances rarely occur which cause shutdown or derating.

Figure 10. EAF and EFOR from model 3.0 power plant
- The customer satisfaction index (CSI) from 2020 to 2022 has increased significantly by more than 5%. This was followed by the value of customer engagement in the same year, which rose by almost 10%.
Tabel 1. Customer Satisfaction Assesment

Figure 11. Customer satisfaction Index (CSI)
- The implementation of the new asset management has provided financial efficiencies in labor costs at the site. Labor cost efficiency is around 15% -25% depending on the generator capacity and the type of power plant.
To verify implementation of new asset management results, we also perform statistical calculations regarding the relationship between asset management implementation and power plant performance at PJB Services. The study was performed by conducting a survey within 13 power plants, questionnaires were submitted to managers, assistant managers, engineers, technicians, and operators of those power plants. The obtained data from the questionnaires are analysed through the SPSS statistical program packages. The results of this quantitative study indicate that the implementation of new asset management in PJB Services has a significant impact on increasing power plant performance and innovation.
Continuous Development
PJB Services continues to carry out parallel developments in order to maintain the quality of asset management in accordance with the dynamics of the latest power plant industry. The projects are commando utilization for efficiency, steam turbine structure simulation, and CFD boiler optimization.

Figure 12: PJB Services continuous development