Summary of the project, product, framework
The Water Corporation has fundamentally altered its approach to Protection of Assets from:
- minimise the risk to assets arising from damage by others; to
- minimising the risk to people arising from damage to our assets by others
To this end it has horizontally integrated all its Protection of Assets activities across a number of areas of the business encompassing Asset Management, Engineering Design, Safety, Operations, Development and Education. This has ensured that all parts of the business speak with the same voice and people risk from existing assets is addressed at the earliest possible stage in the asset creation cycle.
Description of project or framework addressing the assessment criteria
In early 2021 the Water Corporation created a Protection of Assets (PoA) Taskforce consisting of a small team of PoA subject matter experts drawn from different parts of the organisation who were bought together to specifically examine the PoA process from end to end.
This team, under the chair of the Principal Engineer – Asset Protection bought a number of unique perspectives into the review, based off many years of experience in different parts of the organisation. It was able to leverage off existing networks and by a structured approach addressed a number of initiatives across the business in parallel as well as prioritising those which would increase safety the quickest.
The principles of asset management, i.e., Output Focus, Capability, Level Assurance, and Learning Organisation were at the forefront of this project since its inception.
- The team was given a clear mandate by the CEO to increase the proportion of asset enquiries to Dial Before You Dig (now Before You Dig Australia) which progress to formal Protection of Asset (PoA) approvals to by a factor of ten over ten years. The project is currently on track with over 7,000 applications processed this year.
- The capability of the Corporation to deal with this increase was achieved in the following manner:
- The Technical Guidelines for Working Near Our Assets, following an extensive stakeholder review, were fundamentally rewritten to make them simpler, more user friendly and reflective of user needs
- A number of low-risk categories of enquiry were identified and automated responses developed to free up staff to review more higher risk works
- For the first time a workflow analysis was undertaken to determine optimum staff numbers and structure required at each step (and staff appointed to suit)
- The on-line application process was streamlined
- In addition, a number of documents were produced for internal and external education purposes which summarised requirements and responsibilities in a simple easy to read format. This was extended into the BYDA space where an eight-page attachment (never read) became a one-page cover sheet.
- A standardised risk assessment matrix was also developed which identified failure likelihoods, and consequences for various types/ages of assets and locations, together with the impact of possible amelioration measures. A further refinement of this process was to clearly identify an escalation process for medium, high, and extreme residual risks which extends up to General Manager level.
- Interaction with existing assets issues is now investigated at the 15% design stage in Water Corporation (constructability and workability review) rather than leaving it to the contractor to deal with on award, which also gives these issues a higher profile in the design process.
- In implementing these measures, a comprehensive education program was undertaken to the relevant internal groups, external representative groups and in conjunction with BYDS, associated forums and conferences. This continues with a number of dedicated public safety advisors who visit contractors on site and local government bodies to continue this program
Considerable work was undertaken in the initial stages of the project to map out the discrete steps and initiatives which were necessary to bring the project to fruition as well as develop an associated RACII matrix. This enabled the team not only to address issues in a logical order but also permitted economies of effort by identifying those issues which could be dealt with in parallel across the organisation as well at those which had touch points with other Corporative initiatives.
Monthly project meetings are undertaken with a hierarchy of reporting to various management level established. Additional six-monthly progress and issue presentations were also carried out with internal stakeholder forums which also provide valuable feedback on the relative importance of the various initiatives within the project and the perceptions of success of the measured already implemented.
Scope creep, while inevitable in a project of this nature, has actually been usefully channelled to incorporate and integrate with other Corporation initiatives. These include greening streetscapes (ensuring tree planning does not result in assets failures in 30 years’ time); rationalisation (and risk reduction) over the demarcation between private plumbing and Water Corporation wastewater assets; and dealing with on-going public liability for decommissioned assets under the Heritage Acts.
The Benefit/Value of this project to the community and the organisation is manyfold.
- The change in approach from minimise the risk to assets arising from damage by others; to minimising the risk to people arising from damage to our assets by others is now well established and understood by the contractor and consultant community.
- PoA issues are now addressed much earlier in the asset creation process resulting in considerable savings and risk reduction to the Corporation in its own capital works.
- Greater use of the process by developers and consultants have resulted in the earlier identification of their PoA issues and provision of optimum (cheaper) solutions to them.
- Integration of these measures in conjunction with the largest capital works program (METRONET) carried out in the state since the Kalgoorlie Pipeline have considerably streamlined interactions and established the Water Corporation as the “most supportive” utility to the program.
- Risks to the public and contractors arising out of works near Corporation assets are now rigorously and logically addressed via a robust and easily understood criteria; and most importantly
- There have been no injuries to any person arising out of an asset failure since the taskforce was established.
Opinion as to specific contribution made by the nominated individual/team/organisation
The Protection of Assets (PoA) Taskforce consists of a small team of PoA subject matter experts drawn from different parts of the organisation who were bought together to specifically examine the PoA process from end to end.
They were drawn from Development Services, Asset Management, Operations and Safety as well as enlisting the services of liaison personnel from Engineering Design, Communications, Business Improvement, and IT in order to address the issue in a wholistic manner across the entire corporation. Support was provided by all levels of management up to an including the CEO, which was invaluable in clearing any potential roadblocks within the Corporation and when working with other utilities.
This team, under the chair of the Principal Engineer – Asset Protection bought a number of unique perspectives into the review, based off many years of experience in different parts of the organisation. It was able to leverage off existing networks and by a structured approach addressed a number of initiatives across the business in parallel as well as prioritising those which would increase safety the quickest.
This process was carried out on a live basis which enabled rapid implementation and iterative feedback and provided to customers (and management) a vista of continuous improvement in process and safety. Apart for the efficiency of this approach it also engendered a considerable feeling of good will and acceptance of change.
To this end the Taskforce has fundamentally improved the PoA process within the Water Corporation, resulting in more than double the number of PoA applications made via its on-line portal since its inception. It has also extended its scope to integrate with other service utilities and is actively providing its findings and products to them in order to increase PoA safety for everyone.
General comments
Below are a number of supporting documents which were produced or updated as part of the Taskforce’s activities
Appendix 1: Risk Model and Decision Assurance Framework
Shows likelihood, consequence, amelioration measures and escalation matrix
Appendix 2: The “One pager”
Quick reference sheet to be handed out in person on all occasions to answer queries
Appendix 3: Example Automated Response Asset Protection Risk Assessment (APRA)
Appendix 4: Technical Guidelines for Safely Working Near Water Corporation Assets
Revised edition (cover page)
Appendix 5: BYDA Cover page
Single sheet reply to all BYDA queries which replaces an eight-page document